Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Another pic from the Grand Canyon

Pics from the Grand Canyon

Guys, not sure if I sent you this before. Here is a pic from our trip to the Grand Canyon. It is hard to capture the sheer size of it on the camera, suffice it to say it is huge. Anyway... more soon. Mayford

and some final lunacy, just in case you've not seen it before:

OK now to the captivating subject of animals with things balanced on their heads, a few fine examples shown below;

The official Mig29Face blog title graphic....

Well, first of all - what blog based insanity would be complete without a link to the framley examiner.
So here -
Thats a tick in that box.  

Also, as Movember is drawing to a close - I figured it was high time for a topical picture of a cat with a moustache.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

HMS Pie Tray's maiden blog.

Right then Gentlemen, hello from the otherside. Hope all is good and there have been no incidents of low flying objects in your vicinity.

Check out what I found:

I knew there was an alien shoe conspiracy.