Wednesday, August 8, 2012

As promised, for a bit of a change in direction - a poignant and harrowing account of life in the trenches as witnessed by a Finnish horse.

Finnish War Poetry (by someone who has neither fought in a war nor speaks Finnish, and who isn't well versed in poetry)

Valtavia hevonen koira kissa ihmisellä desperate horse talo ambulanssi. Räjähdys unhappy soldier voimakas tulipalo kasvot nenä korvat ja Bang Bang pää puhalletaan pois kokonaan gigantic crater. Kurjuudesta kauhua ja säikäytti miehet peloissaan kasvoja. Puut puhallettu sad, dirty faces toisistaan​​, elämää revityksi tasapuolisesti catastrophic loss. Lohduton maisema, murtunut elämää ja revitty sydämet.

Torn tunika kuluneet limbless eloton sotilas helpless love letters - säälittävä kummaltakin puolelta, kypärä terävässä kulmassa peittää un tunnistettavia piirteitä, jotka olivat kerran kasvot rakkaan war machine. Tormented huudot punktio hiljaisuuden maailmaan vailla luonnon ja villieläinten, vain pelko ja toivottomuus viihtyvät täällä.

Bang, bang. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

I just found this whilst exploring the possibility of motorhomes....
How amazing would this look cruising up the M6??
Its from this article, looks like its incredibly plush inside:

Sunday, April 8, 2012

OK, a few more - see its a public service, you now don't need to visit the website for a good few weeks.... think Mr Z should adopt the same system as on the red car. He also needs a graphic for 'write-offs'
A few goodies courtesy of
Always a good way to pass half an hour when you need a break from an arduous job....

first.... the dog ones on this page

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bit sweary this one - just amused me because its so deadpan, reminds me of Manuel after a few shandy's

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A quick concoction,

I promised to make a swift appearance on here this weekend..... so always endeavoring to be good on my word - here we go:

Some crazy dude blindfolding himself and listening to badgerbadgermushroom for 10 hours - some kind of crazy chinese torture...

Friday, January 27, 2012

A blurry abstract photo just for you guys - I didnt have anything new to contribute so Ive just been resourceful in finding material. This tangerine had a particular longing to one day become famous - so I' thought I'd help it on its way with a bit of free airtime on the web - before being consigned to the office bin.